Sunday, April 4, 2010

Life Update!

Ok, so I just realized its been 3 months since I last blogged, so its long overdue! So much has happened over the last 3 months its crazy!! Back in December I had applied for work through Manpower, just to see what was out there. Well, I didn't give it much thought, as I was still getting plenty of hours at Marshalls. Well, one day in the middle of February, I got an e-mail from a recruiter there and asked me to call, so I did, and she told me that they had multiple openings at U of M hospital for a unit clerk. It would involve 5 weeks of training, and would I be interested. So of course I said yes! I informed Marshalls because Manpower wanted me to start the following monday! So the 5 weeks of training was a success, I got to meet a lot of nice people while training on the Cardiac floor. I passed my solo assessment and written 200 question exam, and am now able to work on 3 of the four units on the Cardiac floor of the main hospital! I will be getting additional training on other units/floors as well! Right now I will be mainly in the ICU on the cardiac floor until at least mid june covering someone's maternity leave! Working here is like a high school reunion, I have ran into so many people from high school, and have also made a lot of new friends :-)

In other exciting news, we have set a date for our belated wedding reception! August 8th at Kensington Metro Park! I'm very excited to FINALLY meet some of Dan's mom's side of the family (they don't get together hardly ever!). I'm looking forward to it :-)

Well, thats about it for now!