Friday, November 20, 2009

Hello, I know its been an even longer time!

So I have been horrible at this blogging thing since I got back to Michigan.. I really have no excuse since I'm not working yet, but I do find things to do to keep me very busy! Still no job, but actively interviewing/sending out resumes/making contacts. Talking with a recruiter from Atwell-Hicks currently about a GIS Technician position, we will see where that leads, but i'm hoping that it will be promising since he contacted me within 20 minutes of applying for the job! I sent him a summary of my qualifications relating to that program, since I have no direct work related experience, but tons of college experience. Keep your fingers crossed! I also interviewed with a company called Rainbow Rehabilitation, seems promising, they are looking to hire a lot of people, so hopefully I will get a call from them. They deal with people who have brain injuries and spinal cord injuries.

In other news, After a routine exam, I was found to have a 5mm cyst inside of my left ovary. The doctor is trying to shrink it currently with medication, I go back the day before Thanksgiving to see if it has worked or not. This upcoming week will be very busy for us, two Thanksgiving Day dinners, friday shopping for me, saturday we are meeting up with my aunt & uncle at the Toledo Zoo for their Christmas display, so that should be fun, and sunday will be a rest day!

Hope everyone is doing well, and I promise to write a little more often!